Cosmetic Surgery

Mr Dan Butler offers a wide variety of cosmetic procedures from breast reductions and abdominoplasty to rhinoplasty and facelifts. Dan will take the time necessary to best understand your goals and expectations and create an individualised treatment plan that best suits you.

Embracing Your Aesthetic Journey with Mr. Dan Butler's Expertise in Cosmetic Surgery

Central to our practice is the commitment to using the most innovative, proven, and safest surgical techniques available. Dan stays on top of the latest developments in the field of cosmetic surgery and applies this body of knowledge to his work. This not only ensures the best possible result for our patients but also helps reduce recovery time and enhance patient comfort and safety.

Face Procedures

Facelift surgery

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the face and reducing the visible signs of aging. It involves lifting and tightening the skin and underlying tissues of the face and neck to create a more youthful appearance.

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Necklift surgery

Necklift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that addresses signs of ageing around the jaw and neck, including jowls, loss of jaw definition, and saggy skin on the neck. The procedure often complements a facelift for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

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Rhinoplasty surgery (nose job)

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure performed to reshape or reconstruct the nose. It is a popular cosmetic surgery option for individuals who are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or proportion of their nose, or who have issues that affect breathing through the nose.

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Browlift surgery

Browlift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to lift and rejuvenate the forehead and brow area. It is designed to correct sagging or drooping brows, reduce forehead wrinkles and lines, and restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance to the upper face.

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Blepharoplasty surgery (eyelid lift)

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It involves the removal of excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids, resulting in a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance.

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Otoplasty surgery (prominent ear correction)

An otoplasty, also known as prominent ear correction, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to alter the shape, position, or proportion of the ears.

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Breast Procedures

Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure performed to reduce the size and volume of the breasts. It involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportionate breast size in relation to the body.

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Mastopexy (breast lift)

A mastopexy, or breast lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and tightening the breast skin to restore a more youthful, pert breast shape.

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Augmentation-mastopexy (breast lift and enlargement)

An augmentation-mastopexy procedure involves increasing the volume of the breast whilst also lifting and tightening the natural breast tissue that has stretched and dropped over time.

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Breast augmentation (breast enlargement)

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of the breasts. This is typically achieved through the placement of a breast implant, but an alternative strategy involves transferring fat from another area of the body into the breasts (lipofilling).

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Inverted nipple correction or nipple reduction

Inverted nipple correction or nipple reduction are procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nipples.

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Body Procedures

Labiaplasty surgery (labia reduction)

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that usually involves altering the size or shape of the labia minora, which are the inner lips of the vulva.

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Abdominoplasty surgery (tummy tuck)

An abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance and contour of the abdomen. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have excess abdominal skin, loose abdominal muscles, or stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

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Brachioplasty (arm lift)

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the upper arm from the armpit region to the elbow. The procedure reduces excess sagging skin and tightens the underlying supportive tissue, resulting in a more defined and toned upper arm appearance.

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Thigh lift

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the thighs by removing excess skin and potentially fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contour of the thigh. The procedure is tailored to the individual's needs and preferences and is ideal for those bothered by loose, sagging skin or excess fat in the thigh area.

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Body contouring after weight loss

Body contouring after weight loss involves a collection of procedures designed to remove excess skin left behind after significant weight loss, resulting in a smoother and more toned body appearance.

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Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that targets and removes stubborn fat deposits in certain body areas, improving body contours and proportions. It's an ideal solution for areas resistant to diet and exercise.

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