Cosmetic Surgery

Augmentation-mastopexy: Helping Restore a More Youthful Breast

Introduction to Augmentation-Mastopexy Surgery

Over time, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can cause the breasts to lose their shape and firmness. A mastopexy addresses these concerns by removing excess skin, repositioning the nipple and areola to a higher position, and reshaping the breast tissue to restore a more youthful appearance. For some patients, there is a desire to increase the volume of the breasts at the same time as a breast lift. This is the key difference between a mastopexy alone and an augmentation-mastopexy.

During the procedure, Mr Butler will make cuts on the breasts, usually around the areola and often extending vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally along the crease itself. Through these cuts, excess skin is removed to elevate and reshape the breast tissue. This also allows access to the area below the breast tissue to place a breast implant that increases the overall size of the breast. In some cases, injecting fat taken from elsewhere in the body can also achieve the desired increase in breast volume.

Key Details of the Procedure

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Cost: $30000
  • Anaesthetic: General anaesthetic
  • Length of stay: 1 night in hospital

Post-Surgery Care and Downtime

  • Showering: You can shower the wounds 48 hours after surgery.
  • Exercise: Light exercise can be resumed 2 weeks after surgery, while strenuous exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks post-surgery.
  • Driving: You can drive 1 week after surgery, depending on when you feel comfortable to do an emergency stop.
  • Work: You can return to desk-based work 1 week after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Augmentation-Mastopexy Surgery

Who is a good candidate for augmentation-mastopexy?

Good candidates for augmentation mastopexy are typically women who have sagging breast tissue and desire both a lift and an increase in breast volume.

Can I have augmentation mastopexy if I've had children or breastfeeding?

Yes, many women who have experienced pregnancy and breastfeeding find benefit from augmentation-mastopexy. However, it is generally recommended to postpone the procedure until you have completed your family and have no plans for future pregnancies, as subsequent pregnancies can affect the long-term results.

Will I have visible scars after augmentation-mastopexy?

Augmentation-mastopexy involves making cuts in the skin, and as a result, some scarring is inevitable. However, every effort is made to minimise scarring and make cuts in discreet locations. With proper care and time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.

What type of implants are used in augmentation-mastopexy?

Mr Butler recommends the use of Motiva breast implants. These have a natural feel and current data supports an excellent safety record with a <1% capsule contracture and implant rupture rate and no reported case of breast implant associated-ALCL (lymphoma).

How long is the recovery period for augmentation-mastopexy?

The recovery time can vary, but generally, it takes several weeks to return to normal day-to-day activities and up to 6 weeks to return to strenuous exercise. Initially there will be some discomfort, bruising and swelling, but this usually settles over the first few weeks following surgery.

Can I breastfeed after augmentation-mastopexy?

Augmentation-mastopexy can potentially affect your ability to breastfeed, as the procedure involves repositioning the nipple and areola. However, the impact on breastfeeding can vary depending on the technique used. It is important to be aware that any pregnancies after the surgery will affect the result, as there will be stretching of the breast skin as the natural breast tissue enlarges during pregnancy.

Are there any risks associated with augmentation-mastopexy?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple or breast sensation, implant-related issues, asymmetry, and the need for revision surgery. Mr Butler will go through these risks with you in detail at your consultation.