Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions we often receive from our clients. If your query isn't addressed here, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

How much does an initial consultation cost?

The cost of the initial consultation depends on the reason you’re coming to Dan for.  Dan wants to ensure that there is enough time to develop a detailed treatment plan and that you leave the consultation feeling well informed about the options available.  Prices start at $330.

How long will my consultation be?

The length of the initial consultation depends on the reason for you coming to see Dan.  It can range from 30-60 minutes, but Dan will take the time necessary to ensure you leave the consultation feeling well informed.  For cosmetic consultations all patients will be invited for a second consultation around two weeks later at no extra charge.

Do you offer any finance options?

Sorry we currently don’t offer any finance options.

What does the cost of surgery include?

The cost quoted on the website provide a rough guide for the operation in question.  A tailored quote will be provided to you after your consultation that considers your particular needs.  This quote includes the surgical fee, cost of any implants or garments needed and an estimate for the hospital and anaesthetic fees.  The surgical fee is determined by the complexity of the surgery as opposed to being based on the duration of the operation.  At times, surgery can turn out to be more complex as additional findings present themselves during the operation.  This can lead to a more prolonged procedure than planned.  This won’t change the surgical fee, but can alter the final hospital fee.

Do you have any before and after photos?

Dan does not share any patient before and after photos on his website to ensure patient confidentiality is maintained.  During your consultation, Dan will share relevant before and after photos with you from patients who have agreed to have their photos used for this purpose.

Where are the operations done?

Operations done under local anaesthetic can be done at the Da Vinci Clinic.  Operations requiring a general anaesthetic are all done at the Grace Hospital in Tauranga.  The Grace Hospital is owned by Southern Cross and provides outstanding care with patient safety a core value.

Do you perform scarless surgery?

All surgery leaves a scar.  Dan will use his expertise to ensure that scars are concealed where possible in areas, lines and creases where scars are less perceptible.  Advice on scar taping, massage and silicone gel sheets will be given after your surgery to help ensure you get the best possible scar.

How painful is the surgery?

Most plastic surgery procedures are less painful than many patients expect.  Every effort is made to ensure your comfort at every step of your journey.  Different forms of anaesthetic are used depending on the procedure being performed and your personal preference.  After surgery, Dan and his anaesthetic colleagues will ensure that you have access to appropriate pain killers before you go home.

Which breast implants do you use?

Dan uses Motiva implants.  These use a nano-textured surface and have an excellent safety record.  The published rates of implant rupture and capsule contracture are less than 1%.  When providing a quote for your surgery, the costs of your implants will be included.

Here are some frequently asked questions we often receive from our clients. If your query isn't addressed here, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Is Botox®, Dysport® safe?

These or other botulinum toxin containing anti-wrinkle injection brands are generally considered safe when used appropriately and administered by qualified medical professionals. They have been used for various medical and cosmetic purposes for several decades. However, it is essential to understand the potential risks and benefits associated with treatments. A thorough assessment with a qualified medical professional is always recommended during which they will consider your medical history, provide guidance on potential risks, and ensure proper administration.

When is the right time to start Botox®, Dysport®?

This is a great question, and there is no right answer. You can start at anytime, whether it is for prevention of wrinkles or to soften ones that have already appeared. Commonly people may choose to start in their 30’s or 40’s but some may choose to begin earlier or later depending on their skin and their personal goals. Some people are not sure if they will benefit, so a consultation with Dr Lia can answer these questions.

How frequently will I need treatment?

Generally anti-wrinkle injections will wear off between 3 and 4 months. We don’t recommend having a treatment again prior to 3 months. Over time the time between treatments may become longer in some individuals as the wrinkles soften.

Do I need Botox®/ Dysport®?

This is a personal choice. If you want to maintain a fresh and youthful look, or if you are looking to rewind the clock and smoothen out wrinkles and lines that have appeared then this is the option most likely to give you the best results.

Are there any reasons I can not have anti-wrinkle injections?

There are certain circumstances and conditions that may make Botox®/ Dysport® unsuitable for some individuals. Some of these include:

a. Pregnancy: It is generally recommended to avoid Botox®/Dysport® injections during pregnancy.

b. Allergies or sensitivity: If you have a known allergy to any component of Botox®/Dysport® or if you have experienced an adverse reaction to it in the past, you should avoid the product.

c. Muscle or nerve conditions: Certain muscle or nerve conditions, may make Botox®/Dysport®  injections unsafe or less effective. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific condition.

d. Infection at the injection site: If you have an infection at the proposed injection site, it may be necessary to postpone the treatment until the infection has cleared.

e. Medications and interactions: Inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking, as some medications may interact with Botox®/Dysport® and increase the risk of complications.

How can I prepare for my treatment?

Great question. It is a quick and straightforward procedure but there are some steps you can take to maximise your experience and results. Ideally a clean face with no make up. Avoid alcohol before and after the procedure. Discuss with your doctor if you are taking any medications, to ensure there are no interactions, or medications which would make bruising more likely. After the procedure avoid rubbing the injection sites, refrain from lying down for a few hours, and avoid excessive exercise for 24 hours.

When will I see the effects?

In some cases in as soon as 2-3 days, but it can take up to two weeks for maximum effect to be seen. This is when you will be offered a review by Dr Lia if it is your first treatment with her.