Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Augmentation (Breast Enlargement): Enhancing Your Breast Contour

Introduction to Breast Augmentation (Breast Enlargement)

Breast augmentation is commonly sought by individuals who feel their breasts are too small, have lost breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy, or desire a more proportionate figure.

During the procedure, a cut is made in the skin at the level of the natural crease at the bottom of the breast (inframammary fold). The breast implants, which are typically filled with silicone gel, are then inserted either behind the breast tissue or underneath the chest muscle to achieve the desired size and shape. The incisions are then closed with sutures and supportive tape and strapping is placed to encourage the implants to settle into their new location.

Key Details of the Procedure

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Cost: $17,000 to $20,000
  • Anaesthetic: General anaesthetic
  • Length of stay: 1 night in hospital

Post-Surgery Care and Downtime

  • Showering: You can shower the wounds 48 hours after surgery.
  • Exercise: Light exercise can be resumed 2 weeks after surgery, while strenuous exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks post-surgery.
  • Driving: You can drive 1 week after surgery, depending on when you feel comfortable to do an emergency stop.
  • Work: You can return to desk-based work 1 week after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Augmentation (Breast Enlargement)

Who is a good candidate for a breast augmentation?

Good candidates for a breast augmentation are individuals who are looking for an increase in the volume of their breasts and minimal drooping of the breast tissue. For those who do have some drooping of the breast tissue, it may be necessary to combine the breast augmentation with a breast lifting procedure to tighten and lift and the natural breast tissue.

What is the recovery process like after a breast augmentation?

The recovery process after a breast augmentation varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the individual patient. Generally, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas. Most individuals can resume non-strenuous activities within a few days, but it may take several weeks or longer for the swelling to fully subside and the final results to be visible.

What are the potential risks and complications of a breast augmentation?

Like any surgical procedure, a breast augmentation carries potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, changes in nipple or breast sensation, implant-related complications, asymmetry, or unsatisfactory results. Mr Butler will discuss these risks in detail during your consultation.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, and they may need to be replaced or removed at some point. While there is no predetermined expiry date, the average lifespan of breast implants is typically around 10-20 years. However, it's important to monitor them regularly and consult with us if you notice any changes or concerns.

What type of implants are used in breast augmentation?

Mr Butler recommends the use of Motiva silicone breast implants. These have a natural feel and current data supports an excellent safety record with a <1% capsule contracture and implant rupture rate and no reported case of breast implant associated-ALCL (lymphoma)