Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery: Alleviating Discomfort from Large Breasts

Introduction to Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery offers both cosmetic and physical benefits for individuals with large or heavy breasts. This procedure can alleviate physical discomfort associated with large breasts, improve posture, reduce back, neck, and shoulder pain, enhance body proportion and symmetry, and boost self-confidence and self-image.

During a breast reduction procedure in Tauranga or Whakatane, Mr Butler makes incisions on the breasts to access the underlying tissue. This allows for the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to reshape the breasts. In most cases, the nipple and areola may need to be repositioned to achieve a more natural appearance. The remaining breast tissue is then lifted, and the incisions are closed.

It's worth noting that breast reduction surgery often impacts breastfeeding ability, and this should be discussed with Mr Butler during your consultation.

Key Details of the Procedure

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Cost: $25000 to $28000
  • Anaesthetic: General anaesthetic
  • Length of stay: 1 night in hospital

Post-Surgery Care and Downtime

  • Showering: You can shower the wounds 48 hours after surgery.
  • Exercise: Light exercise can be resumed 2 weeks after surgery, while strenuous exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks post-surgery.
  • Driving: You can drive 1 week after surgery, depending on when you feel comfortable to do an emergency stop.
  • Work: You can return to desk-based work 1 week after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Reduction Surgery

Who is a good candidate for breast reduction?

Good candidates for breast reduction are individuals with disproportionately large, heavy breasts that cause physical discomfort, pain, or emotional distress. Common issues include neck, shoulder, and back pain, difficulty finding well-fitting clothing, skin irritation or rashes beneath the breasts, and limitations on physical activities.

Will breast reduction surgery affect breastfeeding ability?

Breast reduction surgery is likely to impact the ability to breastfeed, as some milk ducts and nerves may be disrupted during the procedure. Most women are still able to produce breast milk after the operation, but it often isn't sufficient to support a growing baby.

What is the recovery process like after breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, there will be a recovery period during which you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the breast area. Pain medication and a supportive bra will be recommended to manage these symptoms. Most individuals can return to work and light activities within a couple of weeks, but it may take several weeks to fully recover.

Will there be visible scars after breast reduction?

Breast reduction surgery does result in scars, but their visibility can vary depending on various factors, including the incision technique used and your overall healing. Over time, scars usually fade and become less noticeable.

Will breast reduction affect nipple sensation?

It is possible for breast reduction surgery to temporarily or permanently affect nipple sensation. Some individuals may experience increased or decreased sensitivity, while others may notice no change at all. Nipple sensation can improve over time, but it varies between individuals.

Are there any risks or complications associated with breast reduction surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, breast reduction carries some risks and potential complications, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, asymmetry, and over or under correction. Mr Butler will discuss these risks with you at your consultation in Tauranga or Whakatane.