

I love making people feel wonderful l both inside and out and a large part of this as many of you may already know (and many of you may be yet to find out) is HORMONES. We all have them. If you are a women, it is likely they will have affected you directly, and if you are a man reading this may be directly or indirectly. Either way there is an increasingly loud conversation taking place in New Zealand about the Menopause, its effect on women (and men) and what we can do about it.

In my former life (in London), I worked in a specialist menopause clinic, and here in NZ I love putting that knowledge to use helping and educating women on how to manage their hormones to feel great. I could write about this for hours but to start I will answer some really common questions that women ask me.

What is Menopause? Do I ‘have it?’

Menopause is a diagnosis you can only make in hindsight, when you are a year (12 months) after your last menstrual period. What is less clear cut is the perimenopause, which is an ill-defined period of time or transition, leading up to the Menopause where women experience symptoms to a varying degree.

 What can I do about the Menopause?

Luckily now for many women the times of just putting up with the often completely debilitating symptoms of the Menopause are, or should be behind us. There are so many treatment options available, ranging from lifestyle modifications, through to replacing the hormones that have been lost. No two women will have the same journey and it is not a one size fits all, this is why I encourage women to educate themselves (links below) and book to see their doctor for a minimum 30 minute appointment. I am yet to meet even the best Menopause specialist who feels they can safely and properly assess and manage a women in a 10-15minute standard appointment, and if someone can then hats off to you.

 Is hormone replacement right for me or even safe for me?

 For the majority of women, the benefits of taking hormone replacement therapy will outweigh the risks, but this is a decision that needs to be reached with your own doctor having gone through your history and assessed your symptoms and needs. There are a minority of women who can not safely take hormone therapy, and for these women there are non-hormonal treatments, and lifestyle changes that can make a huge difference to quality of life.

Follow the links below for further information and check back for my next blog!


TheMenopause Charity - Menopause Facts, Advice and Support

MenopauseMatters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice
