Reconstructive Surgery

ACC Surgery: Comprehensive Care for Various Conditions

Introduction to ACC Surgery

Mr Butler, a registered ACC provider, offers ACC-funded surgery for a variety of conditions. These include scar revision, hand injuries, facial injuries, and post-surgical complications. The goal of these procedures is to restore function and appearance, enhancing the patient's quality of life.

The specifics of the procedure, such as duration, length of stay, and downtime, depend on the condition being treated. However, all procedures are performed with the utmost care and precision, ensuring the best possible outcomes for the patient.

Key Details of the Procedure

  • Duration: Depends on the condition being treated
  • Cost: ACC funded
  • Anaesthetic: Local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic
  • Length of stay: Depends on the condition

Post-Surgery Care and Downtime

The post-surgery care and downtime depend on the type of surgery performed. Specific instructions regarding showering, exercise, driving, and returning to work will be provided based on the individual's condition and the nature of the surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about ACC Surgery

What is ACC Surgery?

ACC surgery refers to procedures that are funded by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). These surgeries are intended to treat a variety of conditions, including scar revision, hand injuries, facial injuries, and post-surgical complications.

Who is eligible for ACC Surgery?

Eligibility for ACC surgery is determined by ACC itself. If you have suffered an injury or condition that is covered by the ACC, you may be eligible for ACC-funded surgery. You will need to get an ACC '100' number to have a consultation with Mr Butler regarding your injury. Should there be a treatment option that requires surgical treatment, Mr Butler will place a funding request with ACC. This is then reviewed by ACC to determine whether they agree to fund the procedure or not.

What can I expect during recovery?

The recovery process will depend on the type of surgery performed. You will be provided with specific post-operative care instructions, which may include guidelines on showering, exercise, driving, and returning to work.

What are the potential risks and complications of ACC Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, surgery carries potential risks and complications. Mr Butler will discuss each of the potential risks with you in detail during your consultation.

How long will I need to stay in the hospital after surgery?

The length of the hospital stay after ACC surgery will depend on the type of surgery performed and the individual's condition. This will be discussed in detail during your consultation.